My R2-D2 Project
And so my build of an Astro-droid begins
Time to get some inspiration from other people that have started a R2D2 Build.
First test drive of the differential motor drive (Tank like steering)
Motorised shoulder for transformation from 2 leg mode to 3 leg mode (2-3-2 as it is known).
Starting the dome build.
Test Fitting the completed dome for size a roundness
Installation of the motor drive and internal ring gear to provide head movement to R2
Central support and wiring and slipring to allow lights and sound to be connected to the dome without twisting of the wires
At last some colour on R2, this is the down all sanded down with 1000 grade wet and dry paper to make it so lovely and smooth ready to accept the 4 coats of silver paint
Final coat of paint for the silver layer
The famous radar eye of R2, ready to be painted in Ford Sonic Blue Pearl paint.
Motorisation of the pie section to allow tools to be animated like the real movie R2
Builing the lights that live inside the dome section of R2
First test fit for the dome location on the lazy Susan bearing.
Finished printing the front cover with all the locations for the add-on bits that make R2’s front parts.